David Attenborough Documentary Movie available on Netflix

David Attenborough’s newest documentary film, “A Life on Our  Planet”, has 2 parts:

  1. The inevitable destruction of life on Earth if we continue our current path.
  2. A positive view for how to reverse what is happening and let the Earth heal.

In his second part, he suggests 6 actions to begin Earth’s recovery.

  1. Slow population growth by raising global standard of living.
  2. Move from fossil fuels to renewables: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal.
  3. Restore the ocean by creating ‘No Fishing Zones’ on a global basis.
  4. Restore much of our land by reducing meat eating.
  5. Optimize agriculture by moving from horizontal to vertical farming.
    • Netherlands has done this and is world’s second largest food exporter.
  6. Reforest everywhere that we can.

His ideas can be summed up by stating: “By partnering with Nature to restore our Earth, we unleash a very powerful tool.”

If you have not seen the movie, you should.  It is on Netflix.


  1. I am hoping that our new administration will give us what we need to achieve Gainsborough’s goals.
    Fortunately , renewable energy is a bargain.


    1. Hi Bill,
      I assume you mean Attenborough’s goals, and I fully agree with your observation. Hopefully, our country gets moving on Climate Change issues.


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