
We encourage you to engage with this blog.  In return, we will listen, encourage and comfort.  We will spend time, provide affirmation, and respond to your comments.  We may disagree, but we won’t judge.  Here you will find a safe place. 

We’re about stories, awareness, principles, and baby steps.  We didn’t invent anything here.  You are enough, do enough, have enough and know enough to begin.  Keep reading our blogs, and you may find something that sparks to light your candle deep within.  That candle’s light is enough to take a baby step.  We hope so.  If we all lit our candles; we could drive darkness from this world. 

If you don’t like something, love something, can’t figure something out———– send us a note.  We want your input.  If this blog is to work; it will be because it is a collaborative effort by concerned people with a common goal:  find ways to speak your truth respectfully and effectively.

This blog connects people eager to discuss issues with civility and compassion.  Here your emotional energy will power conversations to find common ground balancing multiple perspectives related to the complex issues of our time.  Ideas and relationships will emerge to change lives.

Change will follow two paths:

  1. Positive change follows a new principle: Treat people the way they want to be treated.  Platinum Communications identifies the skills to support this principle.  Related stories give you examples.  This framework will unfold one blog at a time.  Let us know how this is working.
  2. Hopefully, our list of aspirations/goals contains one or more that you are passionate about.  Where this is true, join our conversations exploring potential solutions.

Welcome home.  We’re all family here.

12-5-19 Today I am ready to put a stake in the ground by committing to “human curation of slow media”. I saw this concept in a recent article and believe it does an excellent job of describing the intent of this website and our multiple stream of blogs.

  • First, we will strengthen our commitment to the above concept by re-wording it to fit our style. Our version becomes:
    • “True, comfortable, slow-paced story-telling.”
  • Each of our themes will unfold slowly as our multiple authors are able to articulate the next piece of their puzzle.
  • You, the readers, are encouraged to participate by adding new thoughts to the theme, asking questions which challenge us to go deeper, or simply let us know that what is being delivered is useful to you.
  • Each theme is an example of respecting the Platinum Rule and in most cases applying Platinum Communications to effectively to advance the topic being addressed.

In a personal context it also resolves the fact that Social Media is too fast and too chaotic to meet my needs.