Hidden Cost of Climate Change

Hidden Costs of Climate Change Running Hundreds of Billions a Year

BY STEPHEN LEAHY – National Geographic Magazine

A new report warns of a high price tag on the impacts of global climate change, from storm damage to health costs. But solutions can provide better value, the authors say.

Burning fossil fuel not only impairs the public health, it also aggravates bad weather. Between hurricanes and forest fires, the cost is rising exponentially.

Although estimates vary, the “out of pocket” costs are many billions of dollars per year. Those people that say that reducing the cost of fossil fuels is too expensive are wrong on 3 counts,
1. The cost of renewable energy is falling rapidly.
2. Renewable energy is an investment, not a cost.
3. This investment is beginning to pay off rapidly.

Let’s quit denying the obvious and return to cleaning up our planet. It is the only one we have.

You can help us reduce disease and the damage from climate change by using Renewable Energy products. Examples are found at solarsolutionscentral.com/

Use God’s Gift of free sunshine to produce your gift of clean air and clean water.

Bill Butler – Founder of Solar Solutions Central

1 Comment

  1. Hi Barbee,

    We have added a second blog under the Topic of Adapting to Climate Change. It is found at this link; https://knowyouraudience.net/?p=297

    David Attenborough’t film identifies 6 strategic actions to align humans with Nature and begin to reverse climate change.



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