Tutorial 1: Need for Better Communications

Communicating in Today’s World

What’s old and what’s new?

That’s a huge subject.  What’s old since the beginning of creation is communication.  Some people spoke, only a few listened, and fewer yet responded.  And what’s new?  That’s no mystery any longer.  It’s how to communicate effectively. 

Communication is the foundation for relationships and teamwork.  Relationships and teamwork are valuable for each of us.  Yet as we look around, both appear to be doing poorly.  We all communicate – yet – how good are we at it?

Tor Dahl has led productivity improvement for organizations all over the world.  He founded the World Academy for Productivity and has consulted with over 400 high level organizations.  Tor pinpoints that organizations experience ‘log-jams’ that diminish productivity, and like logs moving down a river, logjams occur when logs get crosswise with one another.  Breaking up an organizational logjam requires finding the key log that locks the logjam in place.  In most cases, Tor finds the key log is – communication.

The Minnesota Medical Insurance Corporation (MMIC) insures over 25,000 doctors, 1,000 clinics, and 200 hospitals.  MMIC finds that nearly 60% of malpractice lawsuits are brought due to poor communication.

For two decades, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has swept through organizations pointing out that EQ is different than IQ (intelligence) and is just as important.  EQ includes how you manage relationships with others, a communication challenge. 

The AWL Group finds when asking cohorts what traits they associate with ‘best leaders’, invariably, most traits identified are EQ related.

David Horslager wrote, The Trust Edge, establishing how important trust is when dealing with others.  David has become a featured speaker around the nation as people wrestle with building trusted relationships.

Our political parties have communication issues with one another.  Traditional churches are having trouble attracting members.  We struggle to accept immigrants who are different from us.  Social media is changing how individuals interact with one another.

Few of us are good enough at communication.  Why?  If we all do it and do it often, why are we not better at it?

In this era of mistrust and division, communication with our various audiences must improve.

The stumbling blocks for resolving complex issues are not the technical aspects of problems.  Rather, people problems stop progress.  People are complex, and each brings unique perspectives to every situation.  Gaining alignment is difficult within groups of individuals each with different facts; differences in what is important to them; or different solutions.  Establishing common reality; finding common ground; and supporting common purpose pose challenges in most situations.

Platinum Communication

Our world is complex and complicated.  It requires that we deal with others who are different from us.  We need to be aware of those differences.  We need to establish trusted relationships with others who we do not know well.  We need a guide through these complexities.  We need Platinum Communication.

Platinum Communication is based on this principle:  “Treat others the way they want to be treated.”

Platinum Communication is transformative.

How does transformation happen?  Not easily.It can happen in biology, mathematics, linguistics, physics and in a single human being or a group of people.  It involves a radical change in perspective and behavior.  And we interpret ‘radical’ as dealing with the basics of whatever issue is being challenged. 

Can you imagine how extremely complicated it is to ‘treat others the way they want to be treated’?

Platinum Communication demands that you understand the different perspectives of the other person.   It requires that you recognize their differences are important to them.  It requires you to use their language to explore these differences.

Understanding how others wish to be treated requires asking the right questions; having them explain clearly what they mean; listening closely to what they say; determining what is important to them.

Platinum Communication raises the bar for communication with others who are different than us.  It requires communicating at the highest level.  The intent and purpose of Platinum Communication is communicating with others in ways that reach them.  Platinum Communication guides us to deeper awareness of the differences of others.